You’ll need to start with the HelloEarth app you wrote earlier. Go do that if you haven’t already.
Open HelloEarth in Xcode. The template we used earlier should have a ViewController.swift file.
If you’re using Objective-C, we’ll need to import the headers. Open ViewController.h and and this to the list of imports.
#import <MaplyComponent.h>
If you’re using Swift, the bridging header you set up earlier should work fine.
Now let’s actually add a MaplyViewController. We’re going to keep it very simple at first – we just want to verify the project setup before getting much further along.
For Objective-C, open ViewController.m, and find the @implementation line. For Swift, open your ViewController.swift file. Modify it like so.
class ViewController : UIViewController {
private var theViewC: MaplyBaseViewController?
@implementation ViewController
MaplyViewController *theViewC;
Now we’ve got a private MaplyViewController. Let’s set it up but leave it empty, and add it to our view. Modify the viewDidLoad method to read as follows.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Create an empty globe and add it to the view
theViewC = MaplyViewController(mapType: .TypeFlat)
theViewC!.view.frame = self.view.bounds
[super viewDidLoad];
// Create an empty globe and add it to the view
theViewC = [[MaplyViewController alloc] initWithMapType:MaplyMapTypeFlat];
[self.view addSubview:theViewC.view];
theViewC.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self addChildViewController:theViewC];
That’s it! Pick a real or simulated iOS device and run the app. If you get a blank screen (and no build errors), you win. At this point you can be certain that your project setup is correct, and you can proceed to add WhirlyGlobe-Maply features with confidence.
If you encounter build errors, or something other than a black screen comes up on the device review the above steps, and ensure that you have done everything correctly.
Next up, adding an image layer to your globe.